What is Slow Style?


Slow Style means having a vision for what you want to experience inside your home, connecting your design decisions to something meaningful to you, and celebrating the value of well made, detail-oriented furniture and accessories. 

It requires some soul searching if you’ve separated yourself from knowing what you truly love. 

It requires staring with what you already have to learn important design principles.

And it gets you thinking about the entire cradle to grave lifespan of the furniture, accessories and other things we bring into our homes. 

What it does NOT require is

a large budget or any previous creative experience. 

The Slow Style Framework


Create a vision for each room that takes into account your real life. Assess why things aren’t working to identify where the possibilities lie.


Practice the art of trial and error to build your confidence in making design decisions. Always start by using what you already have!


Translate how you want to feel and what you want to experience into specific design decisions. Things like color, pattern, material, scale, shape…this is the heart of what the pros do.


Travel, food, culture, as well as learning about the history of design and how things are made can enrich our lives. You can use these life experiences as ongoing inspiration for the evolution of your signature style.

And you don’t have to go it alone!

I offer private coaching in any and all stages of applying the framework to your dream home.