You don’t need to be a design genius to create your dream home.

You don’t need a winning lottery ticket, or to rely on cheap goods and trends. And you don’t need to hurt the planet or your wallet. Everything you need to create a home you love is within you.

Let’s unlock it!

You want a one-of-a-kind, personality filled home.

But you’re stuck in an endless loop of not enough time, money, or design knowledge.

You feel insecure about making (sometimes expensive) decor choices.

I get why that’s frustrating.

  • You don’t know where to start.

  • You’re overwhelmed by too many choices.

  • You’re worried about spending money on things you end up regretting.

  • You don’t fit neatly into any of the style categories out there.

Not to mention, you want to mix your sentimental objects with furniture you own and new things you want to purchase. How do mere mortals make “eclectic” styles look cohesive?

You know your space has potential.

But you don’t know how to get it from…meh…to the place you love most in the world.

So what are your options?

Do you just live with the way things are?

Your place is… fine. It offers a roof and indoor plumbing. It holds all your stuff. But geeeeeeeezzzz, it could be so much better! It could actually be working for you in ways that positively affect your mental health, your productivity, your relationships. You just don’t know where to start so you keep spinning in circles, not getting anywhere.

Do you keep trying to figure it out on your own, buying things you regret?

You see rooms on social media, magazines and TV. You get excited when you think you’ve found the inspiration you’ve been looking for. You go buy a bunch of stuff, only to realize it feels trendy (like you have no individuality because your home looks like everyone else’s); or it’s poorly made and starts to look cheap pretty quickly.

Do you hire a designer for thousands of dollars?

Oh, you’d love to hire a designer, at least to help you figure out exactly what makes your style unique and to tell you how to cultivate it. But there are a lot of mediocre designers out there who mostly act as shopping sherpas. And the really good ones costs tens of thousands of dollars. Plus, how do you even find one who will GET you?

The good news?

There’s another choice.

It’s called Slow Style.

Imagine skyrocketing your confidence in:

choosing palates so that you get just the right mix of color and pattern for your particular personality.

knowing the perfect way to arrange your furniture to maximize human connection, space, and easy-to-maintain organizational systems.

displaying your personality, values and passions so that your home reflects who you are and supports you in who you want to become.

making sustainable purchases so you feel good about your impact on the environment.

Traditional design advice focuses on what’s “in,” buying new things, and chasing a fantasy idea of perfection.

Slow Style focuses on what you want to experience, using your own story as the starting point for inspiration.

Here’s the framework:


Create a vision for each room that takes into account your real life. Assess why things aren’t working to identify where the possibilities lie.


Practice the art of trial and error to build your confidence in making design decisions. Always start by using what you already have!


Translate how you want to feel and what you want to experience into specific design decisions. Things like color, pattern, material, scale, shape…this is the heart of what the pros do.


Travel, food, culture, as well as learning about the history of design and how things are made can enrich our lives. You can use these life experiences as ongoing inspiration for the evolution of your signature style.

And you don’t have to go it alone!


Master The Mix


Personalized, 1:1 design coaching for people who want to create their dream homes on their own, avoiding overwhelm, regret and costly mistakes.

How It Works:

  • We'll have an intake meeting to give me a full picture of your home, your lifestyle, what’s working and what’s not. We'll create a step-by-step plan that works with your budget, timeframe and skills. I’ll help you define your vision for your dream home using prompts I've created to get you thinking beyond typical style categories. We’ll then move on to creating a mood board starting with a room of your choice.

  • Depending on your situation, we may start with decluttering, we may start with moving furniture around, we may start with choosing an inspirational object that becomes the springboard for your color, pattern and material palates. I’ll have you trying things out with what you already have before you buy anything new. You'll be taking action in ways that are designed to build confidence in your signature style.

  • We’ll identify what’s missing (if anything) and what changes would have the biggest impact. I’ll give you a plan of attack for next steps as well as advice on how to DIY and/or shop. You may be looking for antiques, changing your wall color, or evaluating a rug or newly made piece of furniture. You’ll have access to me throughout as you make all of your decisions. By the time we're done working together, you'll be able to apply what you've learned throughout your home.

Over the course of one month you’ll receive:

  • 1 intake meeting via Zoom (1 hour)

  • 2 additional 1 hour zoom calls

  • Unlimited access to full library of how-to videos

  • Unlimited email correspondence


2 months

Book two months up front

$50 off

2 Additional Zoom Calls


1 month

3 1:1 Zoom Calls

Unlimited email correspondence

Unlimited access to Slow Style Framework video tutorials


How Many Months Do I Need?

Most people don’t need more than 2 months to make significant changes. You’ll be able to use the framework you’ve learned at apply it to future projects. Depending on the scope of what you want to work on, 1 month may suffice. If you’re unsure of how much help you’ll need and the pace you’ll be comfortable with, send me an email ( or sign up for a quick chat and I’ll help you figure it out.

Hi, I’m Zandra.


30 years ago, I began uncovering my own signature style and developing my eye for design by paying close attention to the masters.  

I started an interview based podcast to answer the question, “why does style matter?” That podcast now has over 1 million downloads and I’ve taught hundreds of people how to transform their spaces into their self-defined dream homes.  

All of this has led to my Slow Style Home Framework where I teach you, step-by-step, how to create a home that’s beautiful and meaningful.  


What My Clients Are Saying


The initial virtual session with Zandra s helped me to focus my efforts and become more aware of my “signature” style. One room at a time, Zandra's expertise and input gave me the confidence to move forward with making the changes I needed!”

— Barbara B, New York


“I love that Zandra encourages us to use things we already have and to see those things in a new light. Her advice is refreshing, helpful, & so relevant. This is for real life, real homes, and real families!”

— Tracy W, Pennsylvania

The thing I like best is that Zandra gives you a reason to try new things. I've learned that interiors need patience and a willingness to make mistakes. She teaches us how to think and act creatively, without spending a ton of money.”

— Mamen I, Madrid, Spain


“In one of my favorite projects, I really started to understand color combinations differently, to consider pattern, and to become better at translating inspiration from nature into my home.”

— Susan M, California

I think it’s time you learned how to put it all together.

Learn how to master the mix of what you already own with new ideas of what you’d like to bring in.

Ready to Master The Mix?


2 months

Book two months up front

$50 off

2 Additional Zoom Calls


1 month

3 1:1 Zoom Calls

Unlimited email correspondence

Unlimited access to Slow Style Framework video tutorials


How Many Months Do I Need?

Most people don’t need more than 2 months to make significant changes. You’ll be able to use the framework you’ve learned at apply it to future projects. Depending on the scope of what you want to work on, 1 month may suffice. If you’re unsure of how much help you’ll need and the pace you’ll be comfortable with, send me an email ( or sign up for a quick chat and I’ll help you figure it out.

 Still have questions? Email Me:


Set up a 15 minute Zoom call here.