Assessment & Vision

It’s not about the throw pillows.

This was one of my favorite sayings a few years ago. And it still holds true! Choosing products is NOT how you get to your dream home. Instead, you first need to identify what you want your home to do for you, how you want it to feel and what you want to experience inside it. This week, you’ll assess what’s currently going on in the room you’ve chosen to work on. And then, you’ll develop a vision for where you’ll end up 4 weeks later!

Step 1: Getting your Thoughts on Paper

Download and fill in the worksheets below. If you have questions, please ask them in our private community group in Facebook or bring them to the next live community call on Zoom. (Info of both of those things are in the “Community” section of the website).


Step 2: Create a Moodboard

Watch the next two videos on creating a moodboard. You can then choose which kind you’re going to do (a 2-D style or Flaylay).


Step 3: Establish Your Layout, Flow & Focal Point

Next you’re going to start with the major aspects of setting up your room: the layout, flow and focal point, all based on what you want to experience in your room. Watch the video and then apply these steps yourself.


Your Room Transformation Starts Here


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